Upcoming Events

Confirmation Classes

Floris UMC 13600 Frying Pan Road, Herndon, VA

Welcome to our Confirmation Classes! Designed for students in grades 8 and up, these classes provide a supportive environment for exploring faith and deepening your understanding of United Methodism. Throughout […]

Newma Sunday Worship

Floris UMC 13600 Frying Pan Road, Herndon, VA

Join us for Newma (from the ancient Greek word pneuma, meaning "spirit") a modern, immersive worship experience, with music, a short engaging message, and Holy Communion. For more information, contact […]

Happy Hour Step Meeting

Floris UMC 13600 Frying Pan Road, Herndon, VA

AA Step Meeting participants discuss the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Event Series Gospel Jam

Gospel Jam

Floris UMC 13600 Frying Pan Road, Herndon, VA

Enjoy an evening of the newest bluegrass gospel music as well as older gospel and praise song favorites. For more information contact Eddie Dickerson at edickerson@florisumc.org.

Glad To Be Joyous & Free

Floris UMC 13600 Frying Pan Road, Herndon, VA

Glad Group participants have an open discussion and are given chips.

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